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JSPA Membership

1.Who can become a member?

Businesses and organizations that support the objective of the association.

2.Membership benefits

  • 1. Membership benefits
  • 2. A seat at lectures at a special membership price
  • 3. Access to event information and participation in events
  • 4. Receive to public relations materials
  • 5. Access to other information
    *Official members (businesses) are entitled to all benefits (1 through 5), official members (organizations) will receive benefits 2 to 5, and supporting members will receive benefits 3 to 5.

3.Initial fee

300,000 yen for official members.
No cost for supporting members.
*Please pay using the method specified by the Association within 30 days of receiving the membership acceptance notification.

4.Annual fee

300,000 yen/year for official members.
100,000 yen/year is set as the membership fee by the Association rules for supporting members.
*The Association year is from April 1 to March 31 of the following year.
*For the first year, please pay using the method specified by the Association within 30 days of receiving the membership acceptance notification.
*From the second year onward, please pay the annual fee for the Association year using the method specified by the Association by the end of July every year.

5.How to join

Fill out and send the specified application form to the Secretariat by post. You will become a member upon approval of the Board of Directors.

6.Where to apply

Secretariat, the Japan Selfcare Promotion Association (address to A. Kato)
5th Floor, Showa Yakubo Building, 3-4-18, Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0023
Email: info@jspa-nsc.com


If you have any questions, please send an email to the email address above or use the inquiry form on the Japan Selfcare Promotion Association website (http://jspa-nsc.com/).

Contact the secretariat

Please click here to apply for admission consultation and coverage.

Go to inquiry form

Inquiries about events

For event applications and inquiries, please click here.

Go to inquiry form