2. HOME



Our mission is to help Japanese citizens prevent illnesses, maintain and improve health, lead steady social lives, and receive more health and welfare benefits. To fulfill this mission, we recommend Japanese-style self-care to citizens, create opportunities for information gathering and sharing required for such self-care, integrate a wide range of areas in the self-care field and work with organizations and agencies in this field. Furthermore, to promote Japanese-style self-care, we explore strategies to effectively implement the health cycle.


  • Promoting Japanese-style self-care
    - Run simulations related to the health cycle
    - Plan incentives for Japanese citizensthose who practice Japanese-style self-care
    - Implement AI-driven Japanese style self-care
  • Providing appropriate information to citizens
    - Create a new, science-based definition of “self-care products”
    - Establish appropriate methods of providing “self- care product information”
  • Disseminating Japanese-style self-care to the Asian Asia-Pacific region
    - Create a system like the TPP that allows approval and sales of self-care products in the Pacific Rim countries
  • Identifying Clarifying issues across the self-care industry
    - ClarifyIdentify and review issues and propose a safety net

AI: artificial intelligence
TPP: Trans-Pacific Partnership




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